por Celian D'Aristide Sáb Oct 27, 2018 8:03 am
Parche para la versión OSiris:
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]Changelog
Texture sizes have been reduced to prevent almost all crashes in the mod. The occasional crash may still occur, but the vast majority should no longer happen.
Servers now have the option to disable buffs, or have buffs automatically disabled once more than 40 players are on the server. Players can see what setting the server is using in the Escape menu.
The size of individual groups has been reduced in earlier waves of all invasions.
Added empty maps that are accessible to server admins and players who host a game. These maps can be used to create new maps with.
The Training Grounds map has been updated to improve bot behaviour on the map, and has a lot of usable props added.
Internal admin chat now has a unique color.
Teleporting daggers are working again.
A version of some old favorites, the Eldar Greatsword from earlier versions of the mod, has been added to the Lorién Royal Swordsman class.
Sigmar Shieldbrothers have been renamed to Swords of Ulfric.
Sigmar Silver Bullet Gunners have been renamed to Fireloques of Ferlangen.
Firearms have been given a buff in damage.
Unarmored horses available to the Crusaders and the Arcane Empire have been buffed and diversified.
Heavy Sigmar halberds now deal bonus damage to shields.