2 participantes

    problemas con el viking conquest


    Mensajes : 1

    problemas con el viking conquest Empty problemas con el viking conquest

    Mensaje por nous Lun Abr 24, 2017 6:02 am

    bueno mi problema es que instale viking conquest y ya teniendo el mount&blade warba... y bueno es que todos los personas se ven de color blanco ecepto la ropa tambien se ve blanco el suelo y el mapa se le ve el agua de color negro queria saber si me podian ayudar aqui esta el rgl_config.txt

    first_time = 0

    texture_detail = 10

    render_buffer_size = 15

    max_framerate = 60

    start_windowed = 0

    use_pixel_shaders = 1

    use_vertex_shaders = 1

    fake_reflections = 0

    show_framerate = 0

    use_ondemand_textures_ = 1

    use_ondemand_textures_mt = 0

    disable_music = 0

    disable_sound = 0

    disable_frequency_variation = 1

    cheat_mode = 1

    enable_blood = 1

    enable_edit_mode = 0

    force_single_threading = 0

    debug_mode = 0

    display_width = 1280

    display_height = 800

    display_bits = 32

    antialiasing = 0

    sample_quality = 0

    alpha2coverage = 0

    force_vsync = 0

    shadowmap_quality = 0

    shader_quality = 0

    postfx_dof = 0

    postfx_hdr = 0

    postfx_autoexp = 0

    flora_degrade_distance = 75.0000

    flora_lod_detail = 2

    use_instancing = 0

    use_secure_connection = 0

    max_number_of_connections = 16

    look_for_server_on_this_machine = 0

    music_volume = 0.5558

    sound_volume = 1.0000

    mouse_sensitivity = 0.5000

    invert_mouse = 0

    enable_lighting = 0

    enable_particles = 0

    enable_blood = 1

    enable_character_shadows = 1

    enable_accurate_shadows = 1

    number_of_corpses = 0

    grass_density = 0

    combat_speed = 2

    friend_combat_difficulty = 2

    adapter_format = 0

    reduce_combat_ai = 1

    reduce_campaign_ai = 1


    Starting new log file.
    Version: 1.172

    -- OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit
    -- RAM: Available physical RAM: 1196MB/2038MB
    -- CPU: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz (GenuineIntel)
    - L2 cache size: 2048K
    - Number of CPUs: 2 ( Speed: ~2499MHz / ~2499MHz )

    -- GPU:
    - D3D9 Adapter: 0 / Driver: igdumd32.dll / Description: Familia Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.0)
    - Texture Memory: -1 ( Available Texture Memory: 241 )

    Processing Ini File {
    Module_name = Viking_Conquest104
    Num Hints = 12
    Setting Map Min X = -257.903931
    Setting Map Max X = 281.758240
    Setting Map Min Y = -281.854553
    Setting Map Max Y = 290.571899
    Setting Time Multiplier = 0.250000
    Setting Seeing Range Multiplier = 6.500000
    Setting Track Spotting Multiplier = 0.800000
    Setting player_wounded_treshold = 5.000000
    Setting hero_wounded_treshold = 15.000000
    Setting Skill Prisoner Management Bonus = 5
    Setting Skill Leadership Bonus = 3
    Setting Base Companion Limit = 20
    Setting player_xp_multiplier = 1.000000
    Setting hero_xp_multiplier = 2.000000
    Setting regulars_xp_multiplier = 2.000000
    Setting damage_interrupt_attack_treshold = 3.000000
    Setting damage_interrupt_attack_treshold_mp = 3.000000
    Setting armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 0.800000
    Setting armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.650000
    Setting armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.650000
    Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_cut = 0.950000
    Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 0.650000
    Setting armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 0.750000
    Setting horse_charge_damage_multiplier = 1.000000
    Setting couched_lance_damage_multiplier = 0.650000
    Setting fall_damage_multiplier = 1.000000
    Setting shield_penetration_offset = 30.000000
    Setting shield_penetration_factor = 3.000000
    Setting missile_damage_speed_power = 2.000000
    Setting melee_damage_speed_power = 1.400000
    Setting multiplayer_walk_enabled = 0
    Setting mission_object_prune_time = 180
    Scan Module Textures = 1
    Scan Module Sounds = 1
    Unrecognized Module_info directive = give_performance_warnings . Skipping.
    Loading Module Resource La_Grandmasters_Shaders
    Loading Module Resource test
    Loading Module Resource shaders
    Loading Module Resource textures
    Loading Module Resource vc_textures
    Loading Module Resource vc_materials
    Loading Module Resource materials
    Loading Module Resource materials_face_gen
    Loading Module Resource vc_bodies
    Loading Module Resource uimeshes
    Loading Module Resource meshes_face_gen
    Loading Module Resource helpers
    Loading Module Resource vc_map_objects
    Loading Module Resource vc_map_iconchars
    Loading Module Resource particle_meshes
    Loading Module Resource skeletons
    Loading Module Resource grass_meshes
    Loading Module Resource plant_meshes
    Loading Module Resource object_meshes
    Loading Module Resource object_bodies
    Loading Module Resource goods_meshes
    Loading Module Resource item_meshes1
    Loading Module Resource food
    Loading Module Resource village_houses
    Loading Module Resource village_houses_a
    Loading Module Resource village_houses_b
    Loading Module Resource interiors_a
    Loading Module Resource interiors_b
    Loading Module Resource interiors_c
    Loading Module Resource arena
    Loading Module Resource castle_a
    Loading Module Resource dungeon
    Loading Module Resource snowy_houses
    Loading Module Resource square_keep
    Loading Module Resource vc_pictures
    Loading Module Resource user_interface_b
    Loading Module Resource user_interface_c
    Loading Module Resource scene_encounter_spot
    Loading Module Resource interior_thirsty_lion
    Loading Module Resource houses1
    Loading Module Resource wall_meshes1
    Loading Module Resource town_houses
    Loading Module Resource doors
    Loading Module Resource churches
    Loading Module Resource castle_c
    Loading Module Resource castle_d
    Loading Module Resource castle_e
    Loading Module Resource castle_f
    Loading Module Resource castle_g
    Loading Module Resource castle_h
    Loading Module Resource castle_i
    Loading Module Resource viking_houses
    Loading Module Resource town_houses_c
    Loading Module Resource particles_2
    Loading Module Resource prisons
    Loading Module Resource prisons_b
    Loading Module Resource vc_terrain_borders
    Loading Module Resource skyboxes
    Loading Module Resource new_skyboxes
    Loading Module Resource object_b
    Loading Module Resource destroy
    Loading Module Resource vc_trees
    Loading Module Resource grass_meshes_b
    Loading Module Resource interiors_steppe
    Loading Module Resource town_houses_d
    Loading Module Resource ani_horse_mounted
    Loading Module Resource horse_skeleton
    Loading Module Resource instruments
    Loading Module Resource simple_primitives
    Loading Module Resource ani_man_walk
    Loading Module Resource ani_death
    Loading Module Resource ani_stand_guardsman
    Loading Module Resource ani_human_mounted
    Loading Module Resource ani_lady_stand
    Loading Module Resource ani_poses
    Loading Module Resource ani_man_cheer
    Loading Module Resource ani_stand_onhorse
    Loading Module Resource ani_strikes
    Loading Module Resource ani_equip_arms
    Loading Module Resource ani_run_p
    Loading Module Resource ani_run_forward_left_right
    Loading Module Resource uni_strikes3
    Loading Module Resource ani_walk_sideways
    Loading Module Resource ani_run_sideways
    Loading Module Resource ani_stand
    Loading Module Resource ani_crouch_down
    Loading Module Resource ani_low_walk
    Loading Module Resource ani_turn_man
    Loading Module Resource ani_lancer
    Loading Module Resource ani_attacks
    Loading Module Resource ani_kicks
    Loading Module Resource ani_walk_backward
    Loading Module Resource ani_run_lookingsides
    Loading Module Resource ani_defends
    Loading Module Resource ani_walk_lookingsides
    Loading Module Resource ani_jump
    Loading Module Resource ani_wedding
    Loading Module Resource uni_jump
    Loading Module Resource uni_stances
    Loading Module Resource uni_equip
    Loading Module Resource uni_strike
    Loading Module Resource uni_throws
    Loading Module Resource uni_fistswing
    Loading Module Resource uni_lord_stand
    Loading Module Resource uni_defence
    Loading Module Resource uni_sideways
    Loading Module Resource dart
    Loading Module Resource rock
    Loading Module Resource raw_materials
    Loading Module Resource gauntlets_new
    Loading Module Resource bride_dress
    Loading Module Resource ui_server_filter
    Loading Module Resource ship
    Loading Module Resource arabian_houses
    Loading Module Resource object_c
    Loading Module Resource valleyProps
    Loading Module Resource workshops
    Loading Module Resource barrier_primitives
    Loading Module Resource town_houses_e
    Loading Module Resource wb_mp_objects_a
    Loading Module Resource vc_arcosyflechas
    Loading Module Resource bry_banners
    Loading Module Resource bry_banners_default
    Loading Module Resource bry_battlebanners
    Loading Module Resource bry_flags_vertical
    Loading Module Resource vc_iconos
    Loading Module Resource bry_pic_mesh
    Loading Module Resource command_cursor
    Loading Module Resource vc_shields
    Loading Module Resource vc_shields_tableau
    Loading Module Resource vc_tunics
    Loading Module Resource vc_tunics2
    Loading Module Resource vc_tunics3
    Loading Module Resource vc_tunicsbasic
    Loading Module Resource vc_tunicsbasic_female
    Loading Module Resource vc_hoodtunics
    Loading Module Resource vc_gambesons
    Loading Module Resource vc_gambesons2
    Loading Module Resource vc_armors
    Loading Module Resource vc_armors2
    Loading Module Resource vc_cloaks
    Loading Module Resource vc_clerics
    Loading Module Resource vc_female_dresses
    Loading Module Resource vc_shoes
    Loading Module Resource vc_swords
    Loading Module Resource vc_helmets
    Loading Module Resource vc_axes
    Loading Module Resource vc_native
    Loading Module Resource vc_props
    Loading Module Resource vc_props2
    Loading Module Resource vc_props3
    Loading Module Resource vc_props_new_houses
    Loading Module Resource vc_sea_battle
    Loading Module Resource vc_spears
    Loading Module Resource dedal_anims
    Loading Module Resource vc_hoods
    Loading Module Resource vc_shields2
    Loading Module Resource vc_swords2
    Loading Module Resource vc_food
    Loading Module Resource vc_tradeitems
    Loading Module Resource vc_knifes
    Loading Module Resource vc_horses
    Loading Module Resource La_Grandmasters_map_text
    Loading Module Resource vc_shields_basic

    } //Processing Ini File Finished
    Loading Music...
    Loading Textures...
    Finished Loading Textures...
    L8 Format is unsupported
    WARNING: UNABLE TO MAP GAME SCRIPT CODE: game_check_party_sees_party
    WARNING: UNABLE TO MAP GAME SCRIPT CODE: game_missile_launch
    Loading Module...
    Loading item kinds...
    Loading dialogs...
    Loading mission templates...
    Loading party templates...
    loading time: 94191
    Finished All...

    rgl_warning: get_object failed for skeleton model: skel_human_reduced load_map_data complete.
    Init_map complete.
    init_meta_mission complete.
    launch complete.

    rgl_warning: get_object failed for skeleton model: skel_human_reduced
    rgl_warning: get_object failed for skeleton model: skel_human_reduced ERROR: Load error: Number of triggers in file: 56, exceeds 54

    Sir Daniels II
    Sir Daniels II

    : : Lo acompaño a pelear al mismo infierno, mi Señor.
    Mensajes : 45
    Facción : Francia/Swadia

    problemas con el viking conquest Empty Re: problemas con el viking conquest

    Mensaje por Sir Daniels II Vie Mayo 12, 2017 3:48 am

    Mom frère, sólo se me ocurren dos cosas:
    -El viking conquest está "crasheado" y lo deberías desinstaler e instalar nuevamente pero otra versión
    -Tu computador no sirve para el viking conquest (a pesar de la info que diste de tu pc, no lo puede determinar ya que no me percaté de la ram, la memoria de video, la velocidad del procesador,etc)
    Sólo te digo que el procesador pentium no es muy bueno para juegos que pieden velocidad de procesado como el viking conquest.

    Espero haberte ayudado. Algo que podrías intentar es poner los gráficos al mínimo. Dimr que sucede.

    "Quien no está dispuesto a morir por algo, está viviendo por nada"

      Fecha y hora actual: Dom Sep 08, 2024 2:15 am